Thursday, December 08, 2005

my past life?....How morbid

In a Past Life...
You Were: A Banished Assassin.
Where You Lived: Texas.
How You Died: Killed in Battle.
Who Were You In a Past Life?


Lucy said...

You Were: An Albino Dancer.

Where You Lived: Ontario.

How You Died: Decapitation.

Talk about a headache!

It's funny. I took one of these today, something about my winter look. Said I was a snowbunny. That snow was just an accessory to me. I live in a part of Texas where it has snowed exactly THREE times in my entire life - last year was one of them. Yeah, snow is an "accessory" to me. LMAO

Ellen said...

I've tried this a couple times, but it says "blog not found." Strange!

I did it once before from somewhere else, and I was something grim and depressing. I think I was also decapitated.