Thursday, August 04, 2005

Biserk part 2 0f Aug 4th

I thought I had it made today, So I worked in the morning with all intentions of writing the afternoon away. Things started out smoothly. I woke Elijah up at about 9, and brought him downstairs where a wet wash cloth, clothes, pamper and his clothes were waiting for him. He did the usual and then I brushed him down, and did joint compressions and he was fine all morning.

Then noon came and I made him spaghetti...which of course he refused, but I sat it on one of his cube chair's upsides to table position and figured it was a waste. Surprisingly he actually ate it. That was great. Things were ooking promising. By 1:30 all the work was out the way and I settled down to see if I could get some writing done.


at promply 2:00, Elijah began to cry. I immediatly got the brush and went through the whole brushing protocal and Joint compessions, but to no avail. Sure he loved it like always, but he was ticked about something and there was no way a brush was gonna do the trick this time. So I cuddled and sang, and brushed his hair, and tried toys after toys, sippy cups, toast, apples, etc.... he cried straight til 5.

Quarter to five I called Cliff and said, "please do anythin in your power to come home at five". And he did. He walks in the toy room and at the first sight of him, Elijah scoots up from the floor with his arms out and I can here Cliff in there cooing, "there you go. Its alright. Don't cry". AND......


The crying completely stops.

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! to infinity and beyond! Whatever it is He wants I obviously do not have! And that's frustrating to high heavens!

After Cliff's here, he lets me near him, he lets me sing. He steals my food and comes out of his toyroom!

All I ask is for a sign. Just 1 eensy teeny weeny light to give me some insight into the goings on in his head. I know I have run myself raggied trying to figure it out.

Evie and Arless spent the day adopting neopets from the internet...I don't know what that intails bt I do know they had a ball. I was sooooo glad that Arly actually gave me a break with his music today.

They're gone to Children's meetings again tonight...and then they'll talk me to death when they get home.

Better get some of my novel written before they get here,

Wish me luck on a better day tomorrow.


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