Friday, May 19, 2006

Too funny

cool finger


Ellen said...


I like the sunbather best. LOL.

I haven't been in for awhile so just now read your posts about your son and the autism. It's great that you got the stroller! As far as people staring, I think it's just curiosity. Anyone who would think anything bad is ignorant. Speaking from my own experience as an "observer," my feeling when I see an autistic child is that I think that it would take a lot of time and energy (and probably some heartbreak) to be the parent. But, from working with some autistic kids, I know how sweet they can be. I honestly don't think anyone would look at your son and think he's bad--no worries. :)

I'm so happy that he was chosen to receive the intensive therapy.

Good luck to him and you!

Rhoda said...

Thanks E!
